10 Things Indians Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

1. You use the same expression to convey the following emotions Yes,No ,Maybe, Perhaps ,OK,Thanks, sure,not sure,why not,agree,disagree – and that is of course the famous Indian head bobble.
2. You stare at couples, girls, boys, uncles, aunties, Indians, foreigners with a gaze that can put x – rays to shame and you conveniently shrug it off believing that you are just a good observer (and not a creep or pervert).

3. No matter how sad or grumpy you may be, your mood is instantly lifted up at the sound of these three words: Treat, Cricket, End -of-season sale.

4. You do not take off your plastic seat covers from your new car the whole year and if possible not even after that.

5. You come back home from a continental dinner, realize that you are still hungry and rummage the fridge for left over daal chaal(Indian food) and finally settle for some good old Maggi
6. You strongly feel and complain about how Traffic has no sense (better than saying you have none) and use it as an excuse to go left, right, turn and even return..errr…. reverse at our own whim and fancy.

7. The word ‘Trash’ does not exists in your dictionary as you store and re-use and re-use and re-use everything…including plastic bags, jam bottles, Horlicks bottles, gift wrappers, cardboard boxes, old clothes , books etc etc etc.

8. You gossip about Ranbir Kapoor’s latest girlfriend and discuss when Salman Khan (famous Bollywood stars) will eventually get married with equal fervour as you discuss the new AAP (newly elected ruling party in Delhi)strategy to evade corruption or apposing Modi Sarkar.
9. You subscribe to popular English dailies but your favorite Dainik Bhaskar (Popular Hindi newspaper) is what makes the morning tea special.
10.You think nothing is impossible and there exists a ‘Jugaad’
(Hindi synonym for ‘ work around’ )for every problem on earth.